Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life History of Prophet Muhammad SAW part3

Also, people disagree about the job held Muhammad in the war. Some say his job collect the arrows coming from the party Hawazin then given to the uncle-uncle to be turned back to the opponent. Still others argue, that he themselves involved throwing darts. However, during the war it has lasted up to four years, then the truth The second opinion may be accepted. Maybe at first he collected the arrows to his uncle and then he threw Himself participate. Several years after his Prophethood Prophet mentioned the War Fijar it by saying: "I followed along with uncles, also threw an arrow in the war; because I do not like it when I also did not come to perform. "
After the War Fijar Quraish felt once a disaster upon them and upon all of Mecca, which caused by the split, after Hashim and 'Abd'l-Muttalib died, and each party insisted the ruling would be. If Arabs had it away, now they are scrambling want power. The instigation of Zubair bin 'Abd'l-Muttalib at home Abdullah bin Jud'an held a meeting with the conduct banquet, attended by families Hashim, Zuhra and Taym. They agreed and promised in the name of God Almighty Avenger, that the Lord will be on those who abused until that person died. Muhammad attended the meeting which they called Hilf'l-Fudzul. He said, "I do not like to change the fact that I attended at the house of Ibn Jud'an it with a good kind of camel. If now I were invited kukabulkan definitely. "
As we see, the war lasted only Fijar Just a few days each year. Being the rest of society Arabs returning to their respective jobs. Bitter-getirnya battle that etched in their hearts will not preclude them from trading activities, run usury, drinking liquor and various kinds of pleasure and entertainment heart's content
Muhammad Is there also participate with them in this? Or vice versa subtle feelings, abilities limited and the care of his uncle made him stay away from all it, and saw all the luxury with passionate eyes but can not afford? Behold, he has been away from it all, history enough to witness. The light away from it not because he not able to achieve it. Those who live in the suburbs Mecca, who had no livelihood, living in poverty and lack, participate in entertainment that also washed away. Even among them even crazier than the princes of Mecca and the nobles of Quraish in immerses himself into in such pleasure.
But the soul of Muhammad is the soul who wants to see, want to hear, want to know. And as if not involved he studied with him as did his friends from royal children caused him even harder to have knowledge. Due to the great soul, which then glistening effect enlighten the world, the great soul always longed for perfection, it is also likely to cause he's away-loving spree, which used to be the main target pemduduk Mecca. He longed for the light to be born alive in all its manifestations of life, and who will accomplish only with the basic truth. This fact is evidenced by the nickname given to him and there is an innate in him. That is why, since the time of his childhood symptoms perfection, maturity and honesty of heart is visible, so that all the inhabitants of Mecca called Al-Amin (meaning 'Reliable').
Which causes him more thoughtful and thought, is his job herding goats since his youth in it. He was herding sheep and goat family Meccans. With a sense of joy she said moments was experiencing at that time herding. Among his said: "The prophets were sent from God goatherd." And he said again: "Moses was sent, he goatherds, David sent, he goatherd, I was sent, also goatherd family in Ajyad. "
Light-hearted goatherd, in the air free loose in the daytime, in the glow of the stars in the night already reigns, find a compatible place to thinking and permenungannya. He stared in the natural situation so that, because he wanted to see something behind all it. In the various manifestations of nature he sought a interpretation of the creation of this universe. He saw himself own. Because of his bright, the living heart, he saw himself as separate from the universe. Is not he also breathe air, and if not so mean death? Was not he brought to life by the sun, bathed in moonlight and presence associated with stars and with all natural? The stars and hosts who looked stretched in front of him, dealing one another in a predetermined arrangement, sun not supposed to chase the moon or night will precedes lunch. If the group is in front of goat Muhammad was requested for consciousness and attention in order lest any wolf that will pounce on the sheep, do not until - during his duty in the interior of it - there are sheep astray, then consciousness and whether a guard force composition The strong nature of this?
Thought and reflection thus making it far from all thinking carnal lust. He was taller than it so that there is life in vain counterfeit will be evident in front of him. Therefore, in deeds and behavior-behavior Muhammad protected from any desecration name that has been given to him by residents of Mecca, and indeed so they are: Al-Amin.
All this is evidenced by the statement she told then, that when he was herding goats with a friend. One day his heart said, that he wanted to play like other boys. This This he said to his friend in one evening, that he want to go down to Mecca, playing like the youth in dark night, and asked his friend for taking goats livestock that. But when he got on the end of Mecca, his attention interested in a marriage party and he was present at the place it. But suddenly he fell asleep. The next night Again he came to Mecca, with the same purpose. Audible her music is beautiful, as if dropped from the sky. He sat listening. Then fell asleep again till morning.
So what on earth influence all the Mecca appeal to the heart and soul that was so crowded by the mind and muse? Also what the hell does it mean all the charm yang we have described it is also not liked by those who far below the dignity of Muhammad?
He therefore spared from the defect. A very feel right pleasure, is when he is thinking or contemplation. And think and ponder life and pleasure to work minimally, such as herding sheep, not a way life that brought him abundant wealth. And Muhammad never care about it. In his life he was distancing himself from any influence material. What good is it when he has become mcngejar luggage he was never interested? Needed in life provided he is still able to connect his life.
Was not he also the pernahh said: "We are a group who only eat when hungry, and when the meal is not until you are full? "Is not he also a known person live in shortage and asked that people always happy faces life of suffering? The way people pursue treasure greedily wanted to fulfill desires, the same Muhammad had never known during his lifetime. The greatest pleasure of life, is sensed This natural beauty and invites people ponder. A great pleasure, that only a few known people. Pleasure felt by Muhammad from the time of its growth the first thing that has shown the world since the time youth is the memories that always live in his soul, which invite people to live not only concerned with the world. This started since his father's death when he was still in content, and then his mother's death, then death grandfather. Such enjoyment does not require property great wealth, but it requires a wealth of soul strong. so people can know: how he maintain themselves and to embrace the inner life.
If at that time Muhammad left alone so, of course he would be interested to treasure. With the condition that he would still happy, as with the shepherds thinkers, who have combined nature into themselves and have Also they are in the embrace of the natural heart.
But Abu Talib his uncle - as we have mentioned earlier, and many children live in poverty. From his nephew that he expect to be able to provide additional livelihood to be obtained from the owners of the goat goat shepherd. One time he heard the news, that Khadija bint Khuwailid Quraish people hired to run trade. Khadijah was a woman trader who rich and respected, to hire people who will trade his treasure. Coming from a family (Banu) Asad, he added rich after he was twice married with a family Makhzum, so he became a resident of the richest Mecca. He run it with the help of his father's wares Khuwailid and few people trust. Some leaders of Quraish been proposed, but refused. He convinced them that apply only because looking at his property. Even though so his efforts were constantly being developed.
When Abu Talib knew that Khadija was preparing trade to be carried by caravan to Syria, he summoned his nephew - who was already old twenty-five years.
"My son," said Abu Talib, "I'm not the haves. Condition increasingly pressing us as well. I heard that Khadija hired people with two male children camel. But I do not agrees that she will get such wages as well. Agree you if it is to discuss with him? "
"It's up to my uncle," said Muhammad.
Abu Talibpun went to Khadija:
"Khadija, Muhammad hired you agree?" asked Abu Talib. "I hear you hired people with two small children camel But for Muhammad I do not agree to less than four. "
"If the petition is for people far away and not I like, will kukabulkan, especially for those close and I liked. "So said Khadijah.
Go back to the uncle to his nephew by telling incident. "This is the good fortune bestowed on God to you, "he said.
After receiving advice uncles Muhammad went with Maisara, Khadijah's slave. By taking the desert road caravans and even then left for Syria, with over Wadi'l-Qura, Midian and Diar Thamud and regions Muhammad had once traveled with his uncle Abu Talib when she's only twelve years old.
Travel once it has revived memories tentag first trip before that. This added to her meditate more, more thinking about all 've ever seen, ever heard before: about worship and beliefs in Syria or in markets around Mecca.
Having reached the Bushra he met with Syrian Christian religion. He talked with monks and priests of that religion, and a Nestorian monk was also to talk with him. Perhaps he or the other monks had also invited Mohamed Isa arguing about religion, religion at that time already berpecah-divided into several groups and sekta-sekta - as we have described above.
With Muhammad's honesty and ability were able to true trade goods Khadijah, by the way trade more profitable than others do before. Likewise, the character a sweet and noble feelings he can draw Maisara love and respect him. After arriving time they will come back, they buy all the goods merchandise from Syria which is roughly be liked by Khadija.
On the way back to the caravan stopped at Marr'-z-Zahran. When it Maisara said: "Muhammad, fast-hurry up and tell you to meet Khadijah experience. He will understand that. "
Muhammad went out and had until noon at Mecca. At that Khadija was in the room above. When saw Muhammad on a camel and had entered the yard house. he dismounted and greeted him. He heard Muhammad told in a language that so eloquently about journey as well as profits earned, as well Sham on goods they carry. Khadijah happy and interested to listen. After that Maisarapun Others came and spoke about Muhammad, how delicate character, how high-mind attitude. This increase knowledge in addition to existing Khadija Mecca known as the large youth services.
In a short time it has been fun Khadijah turned into a sense of love, so she - who are aged forty years, and who before that had rejected applications the princes and chiefs of Quraish - also interested her marry this young man, who said words and views his eyes had pierced his heart. He never talked about it to his brother that women - said a source, or with a friend, Nufaisa bint Mun-yes - the word source other. Nufaisa go explore Muhammad saying: "Why you do not want to marry? "
"I do not have anything in preparation for marriage," replied Muhammad.
"If it was provided and who asked you to marry a beautiful, affluent, respectable and qualified, will not you received? "
"Who's that?"
Nufaisa answered only with a single word: "Khadija."
"In what way?" asked Mohammed. Actually he himself acceptable to Khadija while his heart yet again thinking about marriage, considering that Khadija had rejected tycoon tycoon-demand and Quraishi noblemen.
After the question Nufaisa said: "Leave it to me, "so she began to express her consent. Soon Khadija then determine the time which will be attended by Muhammad's uncles in order to meet with families Khadija to determine the day of marriage.
Then the marriage took place that represented by uncle Khadija, Umar ibn Asad, since her father had Khuwailid died before the War Fijar. This is by itself have been denied what he used to say, that his father is but did not approve the marriage and that Khadija had providing liquor so that he was drunk and so her marriage with Muhammad was held.
This is where the start of a new chapter in the life of Muhammad. The start of life as husband and wife and mother-father, husband-isten a harmonious and delicious from both sides, and as the mother-father who had felt the pain of losing child as having experienced Muhammad who has lost mother-father during his childhood.

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