Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life History of Prophet Muhammad SAW part2

Both the Orientalists as well as some among the Muslims himself did not feel satisfied with the story of two angels and consider the source was very weak. Who see both men (angels) in the story that the writers of history only children less than two years old. So is the age of Muhammad's time. However, the sources It agreed that Muhammad lived in the middle Sa'd family until the age of five years. Suppose it happened when he was two and a half years, and when that Halima and her husband returned to his mother, surely there are contradictions in the two source stories it is unacceptable. Therefore, some authors believes, that he returned with it to third Halimah time.
In this case Sir William Muir did not want to mention the story about two men in white, and only mentioned, that when Halimah and her husband was aware of the existence of a disruption to the child, then it might be it is a vein-nerve disorder crisis, and if it was not until interfere with his health is due to the shape of his body good. Perhaps that another party will say: For him no longer needed will have to divide the stomach or chest, because since the birth of God has been preparing in order to carry his message. Dermenghem argues that This story has no basis except from the known people from the text paragraph which reads: "Is not it about us lapangkan your chest? And already we remove the burden from you? The have overwhelm your back? "(Qur'an 94: 1-3)
What has been hinted at in the sense that the Qur'an is purely spiritual, which is meant to clean (purify) and wash the heart that will receive the Minutes of the Ghost, then seikhlas pass-ikhlasnya, by taking all Minutes of the heavy burden of it.
Thus what is required by the Orientalists and Muslim thinkers in this case is that the fairies live Muhammad is the human nature and are merely fairy noble humanity. And to strengthen the prophetic does not need what he has to rely on the usual done by those who like the magic-magic. Thus they reasoned once refused responses Arab writers and the Muslims about the Prophet's life fairy unreasonable that. They argue that what stated it is not in line with what is requested by Qur'an in order to contemplate God's creation, and that God's laws there would be no changing. Not appropriate with an expression of the Qur'an concerning the polytheists who did not want deepen and did not want to understand as well.
Sa'd Muhammad lived in the family until the age of five year, inhaling the spirit of freedom and independence in the air sahara loose it. Of these tribes he studied use the pure Arabic language, so that he never told his friends later: "I am the most eloquent among you all. I'm from Quraish but raised in Family midst Sa'd bin Bakr. "
The five-year term by which this has provided memories once beautiful and eternal in his soul. Similarly, Mrs. Halima and her family where she shed a sense of love affection and respect during her life.
That area residents have experienced a period of famine after Muhammad's marriage with Khadija. When Halima then visit him, his return he was provided with a treasure Khadijah a camel loaded with water and forty-tail goat. And whenever he comes pitched clothes most valuable for the seat as a mark of Ms. Halima respect. When Syaima, his daughter was under captive Hawazin party together after the Ta'if besieged, then brought to Muhammad, he immediately knew him. He respected and returned to their families in accordance with the wishes woman.
After five years, then Muhammad returned to his mother. It is said also, that Halima had when he was looking for take it home to the place his family but not see him. He came and told Abd'l-Muttalib that Muhammad has lost the way when in the upstream town Mecca. Then Abd'l-Muttalibpun sent the search, which eventually returned by Waraqa bin Nawfal, thus half the people said.
Then Abd'l-Muttalib who care for her granddaughter's acting. He keep it seriously and devote all affection for these grandchildren. Usually for the old man - all leaders and leaders of Quraish of Mecca - laid stretch where he sat in the shade of the Kaaba, and her children and then sit around the carpet as well as tribute to parents. But when Muhammad didudukkannya he came then stretch it over the next ngelus while she stroked his back. Seeing how great his love for the uncle-uncle Muhammad refused to let him behind from where they sat it.
What's more love for the old man to his grandson when Aminah's son was then brought to Medina for introduced to the brothers of the grandfather Najjar family.
In that trip also brought Umm Ayman, slave women who abandoned his father first. Once they were in Medina the child was shown the house where his father died past and where he was buried. That was the first time he felt as an orphan. And perhaps also his mother been told at length about my beloved father , which after some time living together, later died in the midst of his uncle from the party mother. After the Hijrah the Prophet had also told companions of the first story of his journey to Medina with her mother's. The story of love in Medina, a story full of grief on those who abandoned his family.
After just a month they lived in Medina, Aminah had getting ready to go home. He and his entourage back home with two camels who brought them from Mecca. But in Along the way, when they reached the Abwa ', 2's mother Aminah illness, who later died and was buried Also in that place.
The boy was by Umm Ayman was taken back to Mecca, home cry with a sad heart, all alone. He was increasingly felt loss; already destined to be orphans. Feel her life is more quiet, more sad. Just a few days ago he heard of the complaint's mother grief lost during his father was still in the womb. Now he saw himself in front, the mother went to did not return again, like a father first. The body is still small now left to bear the heavy burden of life, as an orphan.
Moreover Abd'l-Muttalib love him. But though so, sad memories as a child was an orphan scars are still very deep in his soul so that in the Qur'anpun mentioned, when God will remind the Prophet blessings bestowed to him was: "Are not you in a state of an orphan? Then the holding of people who will protect you? And find you lost your manual, then He showed the way? "(Qur'an, 93: 6-7)
This heart-wrenching memories will probably feel somewhat lighten too little, if Abd'l-Muttalib can still live much longer. But the old man also died, the age of eighty years, while Muhammad's time a new was eight years old. Once again Mohammed overwhelmed sorrow for the death of his grandfather was, as has been experienced when her mother died. So sad he was, so that he always cried while delivering casket corpse to the place of the last contest.
Even after that too though he was still in its remembrance after that, under the care of his uncle Abu Talib he gets attention and excellent maintenance, get protection until the time of his prophethood, which continues to do so until his uncle died and even then achirnya.
Actually Abd'l-Muttalib's death is a severe blow Family-Hasyim all. Among children there was no who like him: to have courage, dignity, look sharp, respected and influential among Arab all. He provided food and drinks for them who come on pilgrimage, to provide assistance to residents Mecca when they get a disaster. Now it turns out there was no more of their children who will be able to continue. The in poor condition, unable to do that, is that rich miser of his life once. Therefore, the Family Umaya ago to come forward will take the reins of leadership who had always wanted it, regardless of threats that come from the Hashim Family.
Parenting Mohammed on hold by Abu Talib, though he not the oldest among his siblings. The oldest brother is Harith, but he did not how well. Instead Abbas capable, but he's very stingy with his wealth. Therefore that he only held the affairs siqaya (irrigation) without taking care of rifada (food). Even in poverty, but Abu Talib has the most refined feeling and honorable in among the Quraish. And not too surprising that Abd'l-Muttalib Muhammad later handed over to Abu care Talib.
Abu Talib loved his nephew was the same as Abd'l-Muttalib also. Because of his passion he was putting nephew rather than his own children. Muhammad manners noble, intelligent, like dutiful and kind, that's what more attractive to her uncle. Once in a while he would went to Syria to bring merchandise - when the new age of Muhammad twelve years - given the difficulty of travel across desert, never occurred to him will bring Muhammad. However, Muhammad said he would willingly accompany his uncle, who was also eliminates attitude hesitation in the heart of Abu Talib.
The child then participated in the caravan group, until to the south of Sham Bushra. In books Muhammad's life history is told, that on the way this time he met with the monks Bahira, and that the monks were have seen the signs of prophecy to him in accordance with guidance of Christian stories. Some sources tell us, that the monk had advised his family lest entered the region too in Syria, for fear Jews who know the signs that will do evil against him.
In the course of Muhammad's eyes are beautiful see the extent of the desert, staring at the stars shimmering in the bright clear sky. Passes Madyan areas, Wadit'l-Qura and heritage Thamud buildings. He heard with the ear sharp all the stories Arabs and rural populations about buildings, about the history of the past. In a trip to Syria this area he stopped in the gardens buab dense with ripe fruits, which will make it forget the gardens in Ta'if and all stories people about it. The gardens are seen dibandingkannya with the arid plains of sand and barren mountains Mecca around it. In Syria also Muhammad know news of the Kingdom of Roman and Christian religions, he heard the news about their Scriptures and the opposition Persia from the worshipers of fire against them and prepare face the war with Persia.
Although he was only twelve years old, but he's already preparations have greatness soul, intelligence and sharpness brain, already has a review that is so deep and memories strong enough, and all such properties which nature given to him as a preparation to receive treatise (mission) is great who was waiting for him. He saw around, with the attitude of investigating, researching. He did not satisfied to all who heard and saw. He asked to yourself: Where is the truth of all that?
It seems that Abu Talib did not bring much wealth from that journey. He no longer travel so. In fact, had had enough with that already obtaining it. He settled in Mecca care of her children a lot even with the property that is not how. Muhammad also lived with his uncle, accept what is there. He is doing the work normally done by those who her age. When the sacred months come, sometimes he stayed in Mecca with his family, sometimes go with them to weeks adjacent to the 'Ukaz, Majanna and Dhu'l-Majaz, listen to poems sung by Mudhahhabat poets and Mu'allaqat .3 hearing fascinated by the eloquent poems describe a love song and the poetry of pride, describing their ancestors, their battle, generosity and their services. He heard the speech experts, among them the Jewish people and the Christians who hate Arabs paganisma. They talk about the Scriptures Jesus and Moses, and invited to truth according to their beliefs. Judged all with his conscience, seeing is better than paganisma which has washed away his family's. But he is not completely relieved.
Thus, since young-young fate brought him to the department that will take him to a historic moment, when first come first revelation, when God ordered him convey his message was. That is the message of truth and guidance for all mankind.
If Muhammad was familiar with the intricacies of the desert road with his uncle Abu Talib, had heard the poets, speech experts read the poems and speeches with his family first at around Mecca during the week sacred months, then he also has to know the meaning of shouldering weapons, when he accompanied uncles in the War Fijar. And that's Fijar War of whom have been cause and nothing to do with the war in among the tribes-Arab tribes. Named this because al-fijar4 it occurs in the sacred months, when tribes-tribes should not be at war. At that time trading weeks held in 'Ukaz, which lies between Ta'if by Nakhla and between Majanna with Dhu'l-Majaz, not far from 'Arafat. They were there sharing trade, berlumba and discussion, after that then pilgrimage to the place of their idols in the Kaaba. Week 'Ukaz is the most popular week of weeks Other Arab. In place of the leading poets read his poems the best, in that place Quss (Bin Sa'ida) gave a speech and at the same place people Jews, Christians and idolaters, respectively express views freely, because the moon was the moon sacred.
However Barradz bin Qais from the tribes no longer Kinana respect the holy month by taking the opportunity kill 'ar-Rahhal Urwa bin' Utba from tribes Hawazin. This incident caused by Nu'man bin'l-Mundhir each year send a caravan of Hira to 'Ukaz bring muskus, and instead will return with bring animal hides, rope, woven cloth embroidered Yemen. Suddenly Barradz show itself and take the caravan down Kinana tribes supervision. Similarly, 'Urwa then appear also own the road across Najd to the Hijaz.
The choice of Nu'man against 'Urwa (Hawazin) has been cause annoyance Barradz (Kinana), which then followed him from behind, then killed him and took tribes that. After that then notify Barradz to Basyar bin Abi Hazim, that party will sue Hawazin back to the Quraish. Hawazin parties immediately following the Quraish before the entry of the holy month. Then there was war between them. Parties Quraish retreated and joined The winning party in Mecca. Parties Hawazin warn that next year the war will be held in 'Ukaz.
Thus war is underway between the two sides for four years continuously and ended with a peace hinterland model, namely that the victim suffered Smaller people have to pay as much as the amount of compensation excess victims to other parties. And thus Quraish had paid compensation as much as twenty people Hawazin. Barradz name was later to become proverb describe misfortune. History does not provide certainty about the age of Mohammed at the time Fijar War took place. Some say age fifteen years, there is also a say twenty years. Perhaps because of this difference because The war lasted for four years. In beginning he was fifteen years old and in year end of the war that he had entered the age of twenty years.


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